Selection of publications
R T (2013) certification as a management tool for sound management. Healthy workers in a healthy work environment. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and employment. Centre Work Health/iHMQ.
NPR 6070. Send on sustainable employability of employees. Dutch Practice Directive. Delft: NEN, september 2010. Commission participation in the compound.
B P, R T (2010) Developments in the field of work and health in the Netherlands in the period of 1990-2010. Recommendation Paper for the Network or WHO Focal Points for Workers ' health. This paper is commissioned for the ministry of Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands by BaartRaaijmakers.
Need D (2010). Broadening, deepening, scale-up. KSI transition between science and practice. Amsterdam: Daedalus. A vision of transition management and system innovation with contribution by Lenneke vaandrager, Ingrid Bakker, Paul B and Tamara R from occupational health care: work as a source of well-being and happiness (pages 74-78)
B I, VA L, B P, R T (2010) health management from a system innovation perspective. Final report of the research project System Innovation for Workplace Health Promotion. Wageningen: Wageningen University/BaartRaaijmakers/Amersfoort/Amsterdam/KSI Network
R T (2009) labor and health. An exploration of relevant parties, structures and opportunities for communication, dissemination and implementation within the framework of the ZonMw Program participation and health. With in an annex a list of parties. BaartRaaijmakers iov ZonMw, July 2009
R T, B P (2009) health management. The added value of health management for business operations. Amsterdam: WEKA
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP, 2004) ENWHP Toolbox. A European collection of methods and practices for promoting health at the workplace. Assembled by VA L, R T, valte c. Dortmund/ENWHP/BKK/NIGZ, Woerden
B P, valte C, I none P, R T, VA L, de Torres K, Abbott D (2003) health promotion in the workplace. A natural element of business operations. Woerden, Centrum GBW/NIGZ
Zwetsloot G, Gründemann R, VA L (eindred, 2003) Health management (IGM). Final report. Co-authors: Vijayaraghavan A, Peak P, Nuyens M, Vazquez M, R t. Hoofddorp/Woerden: TNO/NIGZ/GBW
Gründemann R, peak P, zwetsloot G, Vincent A, R T, VA L (2003) health management. Methodology in development. Hoofddorp/Woerden: TNO work and employment and NIGZ/GBW
Council for public health and care (2002) health and behavior. Opinion delivered by the Council for public health and care to the Minister of health, welfare and Sport. Health promotion in the workplace: an introduction in practice. Zoetermeer, RVZ
B P, Raghavendra G, Sadam M (1996) health promotion in the workplace, future element of business operations. Dutch Institute for working conditions, Amsterdam